Monday, August 13, 2012

Genesis 1 - 2:4

"Genesis" comes from a Greek word meaning "beginning" which is fitting since we read about the beginning of the universe, earth, people, sin, families, nations and languages (and a lot more).  Over half of all human history is covered in its 50 chapters.  Jesus says that Moses wrote "The Law" which is the first five books of the Bible including Genesis.  In Luke 16:31, 24:44 and John 5:46-47, Jesus references Moses' words as truth so if we believe the words of Jesus, we should believe in the authority of Genesis.  This is very important today as you will be confronted with unbiblical world views that question the truths taught in this foundational book.  As Christians, we want to view the world through a Biblical lens when evaluating theories, ideas, and evidence.  Many modern scholars and scientists would have us evaluate theories, ideas and evidence through a God-less lens.  As a result, we are bombarded with evolutionary thought and because many Christians are not grounded in their faith, they are not able to stand against the calculated attacks on the origins of man which ultimately attack Christianity's claims.....a Holy God created a perfect world but man sinned, leading to fallen mankind in need of a savior (very simplistic theology here.)

After reading through this chapter several times, I am struck with many thoughts, some inspired and some I've learned over the years...

In the first verse, God establishes/creates what scientists refer to as the "time, space, matter continuum" which is what defines all the characteristics of the universe.
"In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter.)"   Very big, vast, splendor beyond understanding.

In the first three days, God sets a stage:  Day/Night, Expanse/Heaven, Earth with vegetation/Seas
In the next three days, God fills it:  Sun, Moon, Stars; Birds, Sea Creatures; Land Animals/Man   Very orderly and carefully planned.

"And there was evening and morning, one day"   The Hebrew word for day is "yom" and all its uses in the Old Testament indicate a 24 hour period of time.  Also, when "yom" is used with a number, "one day", "a second day", etc. it means a literal day.  Not to mention the phrase "and there was evening and morning" used six times points to a literal day.  It is important to believe that God created the universe in literally 6 days, not in spans of time as some would interpret "a day" in order to justify the belief that the earth is millions of years old.  Finally, Moses says in Exodus 20:11, "For in 6 days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the 7th day."  And we believe Moses right?    Very powerful.

God created the "sea monsters" and every living creature in the waters "after their kind" and "every winged bird after its kind" and every "living creature after their kind" and "the beasts of the earth after their kind" and "cattle after their kind" and "everything that creeps on the ground after its kind" and then "God created man in His own image."  I think God clearly states that He created unique types of animals and man.  They did not evolve from one another.  1 Corinthians 15:39 states,
"All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one flesh of men, and another flesh of beasts, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish."  Can we really believe in evolution??  I think God is clear.  Very intelligent design.

Living it today:  God is so big.  Beyond my comprehension big.  He is in charge.  Why would I not trust Him with my life and every problem, every decision I might encounter today?  I will be willing to defend my beliefs about Creation if the opportunity arises. Even though I don't have all the answers or evidence that might be required, I have resources that I can explore later.   He is worth it.


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