Friday, August 10, 2012


Hello, my Darlings!  Welcome to my blog world!

I know you must be alarmed, wondering what in the world is Mom thinking??  What does she plan to say to the outside world??  Actually, this is not for the public.  This is for four fascinating, winsome, wonderful, interesting, emerging young adults.  This blog is my way of communicating with you all, in the same place, at the same time, since we are rarely in the same place, at the same time.  So what am I communicating that requires such a forum??

First, imagine we are in the family room, finally situated on the chairs, couch and floor after multiple ringing, getting a drink, finding a blanket, arguing over a seat, locating your Bibles and bathroom emergencies.  At last, we pray.  Occasionally, we sing Fanny Crosby hymns (badly).  It's "Bible time". Remember those days?  (tearing up)  I loved those mornings together.  (sniffle)  But a few days ago (or years), you grew up and life got too busy for Bible time, just as you were ready for deeper, more thoughtful instruction, and I dropped the ball on training you to really walk with the Lord.  (weeping now)  Thankfully, you have gotten excellent instruction from many awesome people in the Body of Christ, but no one, at this time, to my knowledge, is intentionally discipling you, one-on-one.  No one is sharing with you personally how to spend time with God, in His Word, every day.  And spending time in prayer, in the Word is the ONLY way to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  Because that kind of relationship is based on faith.  And it takes faith to believe that God is real and wants a personal relationship with you.   And the ONLY way you grow your faith is by being in the Word..."Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD."

So I want to guide you on a journey...a wonderful, transformational journey.

Speaking of guiding, do you like my blog title?  Catchy isn't it?  It is pronounced hod-ayg-eh'-o (I know the phonetic spelling is so helpful:), and it's the Greek word which means "to be a guide", "to lead on one's way", "to give guidance to".  It is used 5 times in the New Testament, but I really like the application in Acts 8:31 where the Ethiopian official is sitting in his chariot, reading the book of Isaiah and Philip heard him reading aloud and asked the stranger, "Do you understand what you are reading?"  And he answered, "Well, how could I, unless someone guides (hodegeo) me?  And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him."  And Philip was able to hodegeo him to Jesus (and then he vanished.)  I love the picture of a willing servant giving guidance to an earnest seeker.  I love that the Ethiopian sounds so could I possibly understand without a guide???  In a strong Southern accent of course.  (Sorry guys...MG, you get what I mean, right?)  So my plan is to hodegeo you through the Bible, showing you how to spend time with God every day.

                                             ****BIG PAUSE...DEEP BREATH*****

Realizing you know me VERY well....really know is fair to ask the question, is Mom really qualified to be my "guide".  I admit that I am often not a great example of transformational living and "walking in the Spirit".  I occasionally lose my temper, speak judgmentally, and lecture unlovingly. And it may seem like I have unrealistic, perfectionistic expectations for you.  And I can be down right cranky.  Please forgive me (on my knees).  Darn flesh.  But more and more, I'm realizing that's what the Gospel is for....sinful people like me who constantly mess up.  So I am infinitely qualified to guide you on this Gospel journey.  The Gospel of God's amazing grace, showered on us who believe, day by day, moment by moment.  God is awesome.  I am never more satisfied, more peaceful, and more intentional then when I am walking in fellowship with God.

So find a seat....MG, wake up....grab a blanket....Madman, be your Bible....GB, BE STILL!....and let's get started....come sit by me, Little Darlin (no "little suck-up" comments).  Let's get started......

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