Sunday, August 12, 2012

In the Beginning.....

Where should we start??  Where do I begin??  I have so much I would like to hodegeo!  So in some ways, it makes sense to start "in the beginning"...Genesis 1...and then just keep going.  So I would like to attempt the impossible....studying the Word from beginning to end with you.  All 1189 chapters of the Bible.  Oh my....Yes, that is a big number and this is a big task that I'm not sure I can do.  I'm great at starting things, but not always so great at follow-through.  So I'm asking the Lord to give me the courage to start this, the commitment to be consistent, and the conviction to see it through till the end.  (how about that alliteration?  sorry, couldn't resist:)  If we start now, maybe we'll finish Revelation by the time I'm 50...two and half years away. I have a few big goals to achieve by 50 so this seems to be a great one more to add to the list.  So by January 24, 2015, we will have studied the whole Bible together....yikes.....i can do this....we can do this.

All I ask is that you read what I have to say with grace....don't be too hard on me if you don't agree with my understanding.  And don't expect too much.  Some days, I really glean a lot from scripture.  Some days, I don't.  Some days, my grammar may be terrible and my explanations unclear.  Some days, my words might be truly inspiring (hopefully.)  I am no expert, but have just enough training to be dangerous.  So feel free to hold me accountable and ask questions, make comments.  Let's have some great dialogue together.  Will I post every day?  Doubtful.  But I will try to be consistent.  I ask one more thing....if you plan to follow my posting, and I hope you do, please try to read the scripture BEFORE you read what I have to say about it.  God may impress upon your heart a different principle from the passage or He may give us the same insight and wisdom for the day.  And I would encourage you to keep a journal, on the computer or on paper.  Every time you read a chapter, write down your insights and the lessons God is teaching you.  It might just be a sentence or two.  It might be a a whole page.  You will come to cherish these notes and they will be a point of reference that you can refer back to.  I love looking through old journal notes.  I can see how much I've grown over the years and all the ways God has been faithful to teach me and answer prayer requests.

Remember this:  God mightily used young people throughout the Bible.  Joseph, David, Daniel, Timothy, Samuel, Esther, Stephen, Gideon, and Joshua (and others) performed courageously for the Lord as youths.  My constant prayer for all four of you, since you were born, has been I Timothy 4:12, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe."

So will you purpose to spend time with the Lord and with your Mom?  Tomorrow....we begin!

1 comment:

  1. We better get going if we're going to make it...I guess I'll just have to trust my hodegeo
