Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Genesis 8

Can you imagine being stuck on a large boat without a lot of light with thousands of stinky animals for over a year?   (From beginning to end, the Flood lasted one year and ten days.)  I'm guessing Noah and his family had no formal zoo keeper training before this event; I guess they had to settle for OJT....on the job training.  Of course, Noah was given a hundred year heads-up so maybe in between building the ark, he and his family began an observational zoology course.  But I can only imagine how ready they were to get off the ark.

Yet scripture lists a lot of "patient" words:  the waters receded "steadily"; the ark "rested"; "he waited yet another seven days".  How patient Noah had to be; he had to wait for the rains to stop, wait for the waters to recede, and wait for the ark to rest on dry ground.  He even waited for instructions to leave the ark.  Scripture is full of teaching on the importance of waiting on the Lord.

"The Lord favors those who fear Him, those who wait for His lovingkindness."  Psalm 147:11

Living it today:  I will wait on the Lord today.  I will not make hasty decisions.  I will remember that "when in doubt, don't".  God often makes us wait to show His greater glory (as in the Lazarus story).  He may have a much better solution if I will listen to the Spirit telling me to wait before I act on something.

Living it yesterday:  I had several opportunities yesterday to remember the bigness of God.  He truly does prevail and is in control.  It was especially comforting to be pondering those thoughts when MG called to say she was in a ditch on the mountain.  I know y'all don't get this, but a parent never wants to get a phone call from an emotional child saying she's run off the road (sorry MG...I know you were OK in 5 minutes...nothing shakes you up for long:)  The cool God thing was how I'm stuck without a car, Dad is on the other end of town, Madison, who could have used his car's wench, had just left going the opposite direction, and I can't get any guy to answer their phone who could get their quickly to help you, and it's 5:00 traffic going over Hugh Daniel...BUT.... God planned for a good Samaritan to drive by minutes later (apparently a cute one:) to pull you right out and the car was drivable.  God prevails; He's in control.  

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