Sunday, August 26, 2012

Genesis 11

Today we come to the end of the "beginnings" chapters.  So much more could have been studied and gleaned from the first 11 chapters of Genesis, but please remember that God's word does give us all the information we need for any origins' arguments.  Remember to start with scripture first when asking foundational, scientific questions....not the other way around.

In verses 1-9, I see the whole earth had one language and they lived together in Shinar, which is modern-day Iraq.  Shinar is also the area we call Mesopotamia, known as "the cradle of civilization."  (Much later, Babylon and Assyria, Israel's enemies, will control this region.)  Verse 4 describes how the people decide to build a city and tower to show off their greatness and encourage national unity, "Let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth."

Remember God's command to Noah and his sons after the flood?  Multiply and fill the earth.  "Populate the earth abundantly." So God wanted them to spread out.  They refused.  So He "scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth." (verse 8)  For me, is God commanding me to do something and I am refusing?

Also in this chapter I see Shem's descendants and their ages when they had children.  Isn't it interesting that the lifespans get shorter?  I notice the ages go 500-403-403-430-209-207-200-119.  Though there is much speculation about how people really lived hundreds of years (some over 900 years), it is clear that life span changed after the flood.

Once again, I'm reminded that rebellion against God---sin---has consequences.

Living it today:  What can I do today to obey God in an area where I have been resisting His direction?

Living it yesterday:  Thinking back over the last few days of study, several unfortunate "living it yesterdays" come to mind:  I made some impulsive decisions when I was clearly counseled by the Word not to do so (trip decisions.)  I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with different types of people (the Wal-Mart employee clearly wanted to chat) but I didn't make the time.  I purposed not to hurt the heart of God and I totally ignored the Word for three days in my busyness and trip preparations.  I lost my temper with one of you....enough said.  I had a major pity party over some unexpected expenses (after a week of praising God for His provision.)  BUT the Gospel is good...grace is good...because I'm his child, God will not love me any less (or any more) because of my actions.

Interesting link about lifespan after the flood....

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