Sunday, August 19, 2012

Genesis 7

One more time, God tells Noah that he alone will be spared with his family because he alone is righteous....the only ONE on the planet.  And the animals "went into the ark to Noah".  It doesn't sound like Noah had to catch or trap them does it?  I've never noticed this before, but verse 10 says they and the animals were in the ark seven days before the flood started.  Why would God make them wait around with all those animals, ready to go, for a week?  Could He have been testing Noah?  Was Noah tempted to get off?  Did he feel foolish and wonder if he had misunderstood?  Were friends and family making fun of Noah like we've seen in children's books and videos?  The Bible doesn't answer that, but isn't it interesting that God closed the door later in verse 16?  Was God giving people one last week to repent?  One last chance?  We know Noah was preaching, and surely they noticed a parade of wild animals walking into the ark.  Scripture tells us that God so desires the salvation of men.  The ark was such a great picture of salvation.....the one way to escape God's door.

"Jesus said, 'I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved."  John 10:9

This reminds me that I will rewarded for my faithfulness if I stand alone in a crowd, but my reward may not be immediate.  But God's timing is perfect. And God is so loving and willing to give chance after chance to follow Him...but those chances eventually run out.

Living it today:  If given the opportunity today, I will be outspoken in my defense of the Gospel.

Living it yesterday:  It was interesting how many times during the day I had turn off the radio and watch what I said.  If you really think about filtering everything by a Philippians 4:8 standard, it's amazing how much more positively you speak to other people.  Since the Olympics are on, I did't really have to "filter" any TV.  It's interesting how much less stress my mind felt not listening to or thinking about negative news or non-Christian music.....wait, wait....I didn't say you had to do this!  But it did seem to be a more peaceful day; I had a lot of clarity of thought:)

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