Monday, August 27, 2012

Genesis 2 - one more thing:)

OK....I couldn't more thought about Genesis 2.  It says, "the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food."  The Hebrew word for "pleasant" is "chamad" which means "covet", "delectable", "desirable", "greatly beloved".  So God provided an amazing smorgasbord (great $ word:) of food for Adam and Eve.  I'm not sure we can really imagine what that looked and tasted like since we live in a twice changed Earth (curse after man's fall and after the flood). As great as our fruits and veggies are today, they can't possibly taste or look as good as "in the beginning."  I guess the best we can do is imagine being surrounded by perfect orchards and fields of peaches, apples, oranges, mangos, bananas, strawberries, kiwis, papayas, coconuts, blueberries AND who knows what other flavors???  steak or lobster flavored fruit?  OK...that might be a stretch, but apparently it was ALL "greatly beloved and desirable" eat any time, day or night, as much as they wanted (just think of it my big eaters who will remain nameless!)

And yet, in spite of all this amazing provision, a succulent banquet every day,  Adam and Eve would later choose the one food they couldn't have.

I am Adam and Eve.

So often, I fail to see and appreciate the abundant provision all around me, wanting instead something else....something bigger, better, easier, more comfortable.

Living it today:  I will purpose to see and appreciate God's amazing provision all around me.  I will be thankful for all things for this is God's will for me in Christ Jesus.

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